I hope the world sees the same person that you always were to me, and may all your favorite bands stay together – Dawes
Using data from Spotify API to analyze the musical characteristics of some of my favorite musicians.
Madeleine Lessard
January 26, 2023
I hope the world sees the same person that you always were to me, and may all your favorite bands stay together – Dawes
In this session we use data from Spotify for Developers to analyze the musical characteristics of some of my favorite musicians.
Here I save my tokens
Other prep work
First, I get an access token using my Spotify credentials. Then, I define a function for getting an artist’s Spotify ID based on their name.
Check out my code
library(tidyverse)library(spotifyr, warn.conflicts =FALSE)Sys.setenv(SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID = my_spotify_id)Sys.setenv(SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET = my_spotify_secret)#Access token ###spotify_access_token <-get_spotify_access_token()#Define function for getting artist ID ###spotify_id <-function(artist_name){spotifyr::search_spotify(print(artist_name), type ="artist")|>dplyr::select(id) |>dplyr::slice(1) |>as.character()}
Run main code
Now we can get the Spotify IDs for four of my favorite artists, create a data frame of their discographies, and conduct analyses on musical characteristics such as valence and energy.
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#Get artist ID for Dawes, Phoebe Bridgers, Vampire Weekend, and The Killers ###spotify_id("Dawes")
[1] "Dawes"
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spotify_id("Phoebe Bridgers")
[1] "Phoebe Bridgers"
[1] "1r1uxoy19fzMxunt3ONAkG"
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spotify_id("Vampire Weekend")
[1] "Vampire Weekend"
[1] "5BvJzeQpmsdsFp4HGUYUEx"
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spotify_id("The Killers")
[1] "The Killers"
[1] "0C0XlULifJtAgn6ZNCW2eu"
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#Make list of faves: Dawes, Phoebe Bridgers, Vampire Weekend, The Killers ###favorites <-c("Dawes","Phoebe Bridgers","Vampire Weekend","The Killers")#Create empty listfavorites_music <-list()# for loop ##for(i in favorites) { favorites_music[[i]] <- spotifyr::get_artist_audio_features(artist =print(i),include_groups ="album",authorization = spotify_access_token)}
##Mood map of the 4 artistsfavorites_music |> purrr::map_df(bind_rows)|>ggplot(aes(y=energy,x=valence,color=artist_name))+geom_point(aes(shape=artist_name))+geom_hline(yintercept =0.5)+geom_vline(xintercept =0.5)+annotate("text", x =0.1, y =1, label ="Turbulent/Angry")+annotate("text", x =0.8, y =1, label ="Happy/Joyful")+annotate("text", x =0.1, y =0.1, label ="Sad/Depressing")+annotate("text", x =0.8, y =0.11, label ="Chill/Peaceful")+theme_classic()+theme(legend.position ="top",legend.title =element_blank())
The Valence Violin
This final chart displays valence for each artist in the form of a violin plot. The plot is first shown with a boxplot overlaid, and then with the individual observations overlayed in a jitter formation (the median value is here shown in black).
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##Violin chart of 4 artistsfavorites_music |> purrr::map_df(bind_rows)|>ggplot(aes(x=artist_name,y=valence,color=artist_name))+geom_violin(trim=FALSE)+geom_boxplot(width=0.1)+theme_classic()+theme(legend.position ="top",legend.title =element_blank())
We can see that Vampire Weekend has the longest range of valence values, as well as the highest median value. The music of Phoebe Bridgers, on the other hand, has a lower median and a tighter range.
Source Code
---title: "**Fun with Spotify**"title-block-banner: "#8596c7"subtitle: "*I hope the world sees the same person that you always were to me, and may all your favorite bands stay together*<br>-- Dawes"date: "2023-01-26"categories: [music,ggplot2,plotly]image: dawes_favbands.jpgdescription: "Using data from Spotify API to analyze the musical characteristics of some of my favorite musicians."---Spotify API provides access to wide range of data points on the artists and songs in its database, which we can pull directly into R using personal account tokens.## Tokens Here I save my tokens.```{r tokens}#| include: false#My client ID & secret ###my_spotify_id <-"f58d42d722054a31a3152371073f1e1e"my_spotify_secret <-"0c23e110997d4ea89085c1e0b9de2e33"```## Other prep workFirst, I get an access token using my Spotify credentials. Then, I define a function for getting an artist's Spotify ID based on their name.```{r prep work}library(tidyverse)library(spotifyr, warn.conflicts =FALSE)Sys.setenv(SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID = my_spotify_id)Sys.setenv(SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET = my_spotify_secret)#Access token ###spotify_access_token <-get_spotify_access_token()#Define function for getting artist ID ###spotify_id <-function(artist_name){spotifyr::search_spotify(print(artist_name), type ="artist")|>dplyr::select(id) |>dplyr::slice(1) |>as.character()}```## Run main codeNow we can get the Spotify IDs for four of my favorite artists, create a data frame of their discographies, and conduct analyses on musical characteristics such as valence and energy.```{r moodmap}#Get artist ID for Dawes, Phoebe Bridgers, Vampire Weekend, and The Killers ###spotify_id("Dawes")spotify_id("Phoebe Bridgers")spotify_id("Vampire Weekend")spotify_id("The Killers")#Make list of faves: Dawes, Phoebe Bridgers, Vampire Weekend, The Killers ###favorites <-c("Dawes","Phoebe Bridgers","Vampire Weekend","The Killers")#Create empty listfavorites_music <-list()# for loop ##for(i in favorites) { favorites_music[[i]] <- spotifyr::get_artist_audio_features(artist =print(i),include_groups ="album",authorization = spotify_access_token)}##Mood map of the 4 artistsfavorites_music |> purrr::map_df(bind_rows)|>ggplot(aes(y=energy,x=valence,color=artist_name))+geom_point(aes(shape=artist_name))+geom_hline(yintercept =0.5)+geom_vline(xintercept =0.5)+annotate("text", x =0.1, y =1, label ="Turbulent/Angry")+annotate("text", x =0.8, y =1, label ="Happy/Joyful")+annotate("text", x =0.1, y =0.1, label ="Sad/Depressing")+annotate("text", x =0.8, y =0.11, label ="Chill/Peaceful")+theme_classic()+theme(legend.position ="top",legend.title =element_blank())```## The Valence ViolinThis final chart displays valence for each artist in the form of a violin plot. The plot is first shown with a boxplot overlaid, and then with the individual observations overlayed in a jitter formation (the median value is here shown in black).```{r violin}##Violin chart of 4 artistsfavorites_music |> purrr::map_df(bind_rows)|>ggplot(aes(x=artist_name,y=valence,color=artist_name))+geom_violin(trim=FALSE)+geom_boxplot(width=0.1)+theme_classic()+theme(legend.position ="top",legend.title =element_blank())favorites_music |> purrr::map_df(bind_rows)|>ggplot(aes(x=artist_name,y=valence,color=artist_name))+geom_violin(trim=FALSE)+geom_jitter(shape=16, position=position_jitter(0.2))+stat_summary(fun=median, geom="point", size=2, color="black")+theme_classic()+theme(legend.position ="top",legend.title =element_blank())```We can see that Vampire Weekend has the longest range of valence values, as well as the highest median value. The music of Phoebe Bridgers, on the other hand, has a lower median and a tighter range.