Break open a cherry tree and there are no flowers, but the spring breeze brings forth myriad blossoms. – Ikkyu
This long-awaited post is all about animation.
April 7, 2023
First, let’s replicate some animations showing the historical trends in cherry tree blossoming in Kyoto, Japan.
Check out my code
library(tidyverse, warn.conflicts =FALSE)library(lubridate)library(ggimage)library(ggpp)library(readxl)# First we upload the data and create a date variable ####sakura_data <- readxl::read_excel(paste0(getwd(),"/KyotoFullFlower7.xls"), skip =25) |> tidyr::drop_na() |> dplyr::rename("year"=1,"blossom"=2) |># Force the year variable into a date with make_year dplyr::mutate(year = lubridate::make_date(year))# Now we create a plot for only the XX century ####sakura_xx <-tibble(x=lubridate::as_date("1800-01-01"), y=60, plot =list(sakura_data |> dplyr::filter(year>1900) |>ggplot(aes(x=year, y=blossom))+geom_point()+geom_smooth(method="lm", color="red")+ylim(c(85,110))+scale_x_date(date_breaks ="5 years", date_labels ="%Y")+labs(y=NULL, x=NULL)+theme_classic()+theme(axis.text.x =element_text(angle=90),text =element_text(size=7))))sakura <- sakura_data |># Identify a variable for the cute cherry blossom image that we will use instead of a boring point: dplyr::mutate(sakura =paste0(getwd(),"/sakura.jpg")) |>#"/sessions/04-animate",ggplot(aes(x=year, y=blossom))+# Add plot inside of plot with geom_plotgeom_plot(data = sakura_xx, aes(x,y,label=plot))+# Annotate what part of the graph is being zoomedannotate(geom="rect", xmin=lubridate::as_date("1900-01-01"), xmax=lubridate::as_date("2022-01-01"),ymin=82,ymax=110, linetype="dotted", fill="grey80", color="black")+annotate(geom="rect", xmin=lubridate::as_date("1300-01-01"), xmax=lubridate::as_date("1800-01-01"),ymin=60,ymax=90, linetype="dotted", fill=NULL, color="black")+# Change the shape of the point to the aforementioned cherry blossomgeom_image(aes(image=sakura), size=0.02)+# Add a LOESS curvegeom_smooth(method="loess", color="pink")+ylim(c(60,130))+scale_x_date(date_breaks ="50 years", date_labels ="%Y")+labs(y="Days to blossom from January 1st", x=NULL, caption ="Source: NOAA paleo phenology data and \nHistorical Series of Phenological data for Cherry Tree Flowering at Kyoto City\n by Aono and Kazui, 2008; Aono and Saito, 2010.")+theme_classic()+theme(axis.text.x =element_text(angle=90))sakura
Next up: animating the image using gganimate.
Check out my code
library(tidyverse)library(lubridate)library(ggimage)library(gganimate)sakura_anim <- sakura_data |># Identify a variable for the cute cherry blossom that we will use instead of a boring point: dplyr::mutate(sakura =paste0(getwd(),"/sakura.jpg")) |>#"/sessions/04-animate",# Create a separate year variable for the animation dplyr::mutate(y=lubridate::year(year)) |># Feed data to ggplotggplot(aes(x=year, y=blossom))+# Change the shape of the point to the aforementioned cherry blossomgeom_image(aes(image=sakura), size=0.02)+# Add a LOESS curveylim(c(80,130))+scale_x_date(date_breaks ="50 years", date_labels ="%Y")+labs(y="Days to blossom from January 1st", x=NULL, subtitle ="Year {frame_time}")+theme_classic()+theme(axis.text.x =element_text(angle=90))+# Add animation so each point appears as we move from the past to the present, using the formula "as.integer" to make sure the dates don't include decimals gganimate::transition_time(as.integer(y))+# Add old points gganimate::shadow_mark()animate(sakura_anim)
Source Code
---title: "**April in Paris, Chestnuts in Blossom**"title-block-banner: "#8596c7"#title-block-banner-color: "#D9E3F1"subtitle: "*Break open a cherry tree and there are no flowers, but the spring breeze brings forth myriad blossoms.*<br>-- Ikkyu"date: "2023-04-07"image: blossoms_oecd.jpegcategories: [animation,blossoms,geom_plot,Japan,ggimage]description: "This long-awaited post is all about animation."---First, let's replicate some animations showing the historical trends in cherry tree blossoming in Kyoto, Japan.```{r plotting blossoms data}library(tidyverse, warn.conflicts =FALSE)library(lubridate)library(ggimage)library(ggpp)library(readxl)# First we upload the data and create a date variable ####sakura_data <- readxl::read_excel(paste0(getwd(),"/KyotoFullFlower7.xls"), skip =25) |> tidyr::drop_na() |> dplyr::rename("year"=1,"blossom"=2) |># Force the year variable into a date with make_year dplyr::mutate(year = lubridate::make_date(year))# Now we create a plot for only the XX century ####sakura_xx <-tibble(x=lubridate::as_date("1800-01-01"), y=60, plot =list(sakura_data |> dplyr::filter(year>1900) |>ggplot(aes(x=year, y=blossom))+geom_point()+geom_smooth(method="lm", color="red")+ylim(c(85,110))+scale_x_date(date_breaks ="5 years", date_labels ="%Y")+labs(y=NULL, x=NULL)+theme_classic()+theme(axis.text.x =element_text(angle=90),text =element_text(size=7))))sakura <- sakura_data |># Identify a variable for the cute cherry blossom image that we will use instead of a boring point: dplyr::mutate(sakura =paste0(getwd(),"/sakura.jpg")) |>#"/sessions/04-animate",ggplot(aes(x=year, y=blossom))+# Add plot inside of plot with geom_plotgeom_plot(data = sakura_xx, aes(x,y,label=plot))+# Annotate what part of the graph is being zoomedannotate(geom="rect", xmin=lubridate::as_date("1900-01-01"), xmax=lubridate::as_date("2022-01-01"),ymin=82,ymax=110, linetype="dotted", fill="grey80", color="black")+annotate(geom="rect", xmin=lubridate::as_date("1300-01-01"), xmax=lubridate::as_date("1800-01-01"),ymin=60,ymax=90, linetype="dotted", fill=NULL, color="black")+# Change the shape of the point to the aforementioned cherry blossomgeom_image(aes(image=sakura), size=0.02)+# Add a LOESS curvegeom_smooth(method="loess", color="pink")+ylim(c(60,130))+scale_x_date(date_breaks ="50 years", date_labels ="%Y")+labs(y="Days to blossom from January 1st", x=NULL, caption ="Source: NOAA paleo phenology data and \nHistorical Series of Phenological data for Cherry Tree Flowering at Kyoto City\n by Aono and Kazui, 2008; Aono and Saito, 2010.")+theme_classic()+theme(axis.text.x =element_text(angle=90))sakura```Next up: animating the image using gganimate.```{r blossoms animation}library(tidyverse)library(lubridate)library(ggimage)library(gganimate)sakura_anim <- sakura_data |># Identify a variable for the cute cherry blossom that we will use instead of a boring point: dplyr::mutate(sakura =paste0(getwd(),"/sakura.jpg")) |>#"/sessions/04-animate",# Create a separate year variable for the animation dplyr::mutate(y=lubridate::year(year)) |># Feed data to ggplotggplot(aes(x=year, y=blossom))+# Change the shape of the point to the aforementioned cherry blossomgeom_image(aes(image=sakura), size=0.02)+# Add a LOESS curveylim(c(80,130))+scale_x_date(date_breaks ="50 years", date_labels ="%Y")+labs(y="Days to blossom from January 1st", x=NULL, subtitle ="Year {frame_time}")+theme_classic()+theme(axis.text.x =element_text(angle=90))+# Add animation so each point appears as we move from the past to the present, using the formula "as.integer" to make sure the dates don't include decimals gganimate::transition_time(as.integer(y))+# Add old points gganimate::shadow_mark()animate(sakura_anim)```